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# Markdown
## to author Impress.js presentations
* This presentation was written entirely in Markdown
* Added by popular request
* Easy way to make quick, simple yet aesthetic, presentations
* Authoring without all the clutter of HTML
# Markdown.js
* Provided by [Markdown.js]( in [extras/](
* Jot down your bullet points in *Markdown* & have it automatically converted to HTML
* Note: The Markdown is converted into a presentation client side, in the browser. This is unlike
existing tools like [Hovercraft]( and
markdown-impress where you generate a new
html file on the command line.
* This combines the ease of typing Markdown with the full power of impress.js HTML5+CSS3+JavaScript!
# Styles
* You can use *italics* & **bold**
* ...and `code`
# A blockquote & image

> Spread love everywhere you go.
> Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.
*-- Mother Teresa*
Image credit: [Peta de Aztlan]( CC-BY 2.0
# Code
When also using [Highlight.js]( integration, code blocks in Markdown
are converted to HTML first, then colored by Highlight.js:
// `init` API function that initializes (and runs) the presentation.
var init = function () {
if (initialized) { return; }
// First we set up the viewport for mobile devices.
// For some reason iPad goes nuts when it is not done properly.
var meta = $("meta[name='viewport']") || document.createElement("meta");
meta.content = "width=device-width, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no";
if (meta.parentNode !== document.head) { = 'viewport';
# Slide separator
* 5 dashes are used to separate slides:
* Attributes from `div.step` element are simply repeated.
* Better use relative positioning, lest your slides will all be on top of each other.
* If you need to set some attributes, just use HTML and create a div element, then write
Markdown inside each div.
# Title slide
## This slide has different CSS class than the previous ones
# Simplicity of Markdown & Full power of Impress.js
* This slide sets its own `rotate`, `x`, `y`, and even `z` coordinates
* Note that the Mother Teresa slide earlier was pimped with some custom CSS, all the while
the content was written in simple Markdown.
This is an example of a slide with a specific Markdown dialect.
CSS & JavaScript magic
Just to emphasize my point, this last slide allows you to use a JavaScript powered menu to
toggle the CSS style:
Simplicity of Markdown married with full power of Impress.js!